среда, 25 марта 2015 г.

Putting Drone Videos on YouTube Is Illegal, Feds Say

The Federal Aviation Administration is still scrambling to decide how to regulate drones in American airspace, but there's at least one thing we know for sure: You're not supposed to use drones to make money. Well, even that isn't as clear as we thought.
This week, Motherboard says, the FAA sent a scary letter to drone lover Jason Hanes, telling him to stop posting his drone videos to his website or he'd be subject to fines. The reason: Those videos are on YouTube, and YouTube has ads, therefore he's using drones to make money.
It's a strange case. Clearly the FAA rules are targeted at business that would use UAVs for a specific commercial purpose, such as Amazon's proposed fleet of delivery drones, or drones that would carry banner ads behind them as they fly over a crowded beach. Hanes would appear to fall into the hobbyist category that the FAA has mostly left alone (as long as those hobbyists keep their aircraft away from football stadia, bridges, and the White House).
Yet his case could have repercussions for all kinds of hobbyist drone pilots who like to share their videos, many of which you've seen right here at PM. Says Motherboard:
Where, exactly, does commercial use begin and hobby use end, for instance? If you fly for fun, but happen to sell your footage later, were you flying for a "commercial purpose?" What if you give it to a news organization that runs it on a television station that has ads on it? What if you upload it to YouTube and Google happens to put an ad on it? What if you decide to put an ad on it?
Legally, it looks like FAA just opened a big ol' can of drones.
Source: Motherboard

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